Visits & Trips
Every year students at Belfairs Academy are invited to take part in a variety of educational trips and visits to a range of locations both in the UK and abroad.
To ensure visits can be made as safe as possible, the Academy has a policy, procedure and guidance that informs staff about what they should consider when organising a visit. This can be found here.
To support staff, the academy also has an Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC).
The EVC has the role of ensuring the academy’s duty of care for the health & safety of students while on educational trips and visits is complied with.
This is done by ensuring that teachers and others who organise and are responsible for visits follow the policy and procedures, including final endorsement of certain categories of visit. The information provided is checked to ensure the visit complies with policy and then the Principal gives final agreement. In addition to other responsibilities the EVC monitors visits being undertaken and provides advice, information and training to staff.
Proposed Trips 24-25
- History Trip – Tower of London (Year 10)
- Ski Trip to Italy (Years 7 to 10)
- V&A Trip (GCSE Textiles)
- Science Live Trip to Disneyland, Paris (Year 10)
- Musical Theatre Trip to Wicked (GCSE Music)
- Maths Trip to New York (Year 10)
- MFL Trip Normandy (Year 7 & 8)
- Harry Potter Studio Tour (Year 8)
- Acorn Adventure Trip (All years)
Proposed Trips for 25-26
- Ski Trip, New Hampshire – USA (Year 7-10)
- Science Live Trip to Disneyland, Paris (Year 10)
- Year 10 Maths Trip to New York
- MFL Trip to Normandy (Year 7 and 8)
- Acorn Adventure Trip (All Years)
- MFL Trip to Malaga