Jack Petchey Foundation

Jack Petchey is an East End entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is 97 years old and his is a real ‘rags to riches’ story. He was born into a poor working class family in the East End in 1925 and left school with no qualifications at age 13. Jack joined the Navy and upon his discharge bought his first second hand car and started a taxi business. He worked long and hard, overcoming adversity and became a multi-millionaire through his various business ventures.
in 1999 he established the Jack Petchey Foundations which has so far has given £118 million to support youth projects. Jack seeks to increase young people’s aspirations by rewarding their achievements and encouraging them to take pride in what they have done.
In 2012, Jack was awarded the CBE in recognition of his services to young people. More than anything he believes that people should think of others and give back to society, no matter how small an act of kindness of generosity, he wants young people to know that in giving, you also receive and the world is a better place for it!
Belfairs are proud to be part of such a fantastic scheme that recognises the achievements and challenges that our students are presented with throughout school and young adult life. As a result we would like to share the successes of our students through the Jack Petchey award scheme and acknowledge those who are facing challenging circumstances and overcoming barriers, and excellence either in school or outside in the community.
We have 9 awards per academic year, where our college captains and ambassadors meet monthly and choose a winner from student nominations. The winner is then announced in assemblies and receives a special Jack Petchey certificate and pin badge as well as £300 to spend in a department of their choice. So far this academic year winners have purchased rugby kits, PE sporting equipment, first aid teaching recourses, a wildlife camera and litter pickers for our eco club as well as a computer programme for coding club.
Every year all winners are invited to attend, alongside their family and friends, to a celebration event at The Palace Theatre, along with other schools in the community where they are presented with a medallion by a representative from the Jack Petchey Foundation.