Beginning Year 7

This page is for students joining us in September 2024.

Most people can remember their first day at secondary school. This is often a daunting time for students; however, it is also an exciting and important milestone for your child!  At Belfairs, we have strategies and support in place to ensure that your child’s transition from primary to secondary school, is a smooth one.


The academy will hold a Parent/Carer Information Evening on Wednesday 19th June 2023 at 5pm in the main hall. This event is for parents/carers only.

Parents will be welcomed to the academy by our Principal and Senior Assistant Principal/Induction Phase Leader. This evening is an important date for your diaries as you will be informed of your child’s tutor group allocation and have the opportunity to meet with the tutor ahead of September.


Home Academy Agreements are an important part of our students beginning their journey at Belfairs. We ask both parents and students to sign these before each student starts in September to ensure a joint commitment is made to comply with the expectations we have of them as a Belfairs student.

  • Parents/carers will asked to sign these at our Parent Information Evening.
  • Students will be asked to sign these during Transition Day.


Year 6 Transition Day will take place on Friday 5th July 2024.

Prior to joining the academy in September 2024, our new year 7 students come to the academy and spend a day in the life of a Belfairs student.

Students will be required to arrive at the academy by 08:30am with their P.E. kit, pencil case, lunch and any refreshments for the day. All children should attend wearing their primary school uniform.

Students will be given information regarding their timetable and the canteen, they will familiarise themselves with subject areas and the layout of the academy as well as completing 3 lessons and tutor.

Students will be introduced to our rewards system and informed how they can achieve these rewards and join our ‘excellent student’ programme.

The day will finish at 3:00pm and students will need to be collected by parents/carers. Any students walking home will require a letter with parent permission.


Our ‘Phoenix Forum Event and Student Photographs’ will take place on Saturday 13th July from 9:00am – midday.

Each year we host a ‘Phoenix Forum Event’ for parents and students. This is a further opportunity to meet with Senior Leaders and key staff prior to your child starting in September. This is a great opportunity to find out more about our enrichment and extended curriculum opportunities.

Students will also be invited to attend on this date to have their Belfairs ID badge photos taken ahead of September. Students should come wearing a white shirt ready for their picture to be taken.


This is a great opportunity for students to get to know the academy, key members of staff and to make new friends. The theme for the Summer School is ‘Road to Excellence’ – the children will follow a programme including bushcraft, orienteering, team building and subject based activities.

We will be running across 2 separate weeks:

  • Week 1: 12th – 16th August 2024
  • Week 2: 19th – 23rd August 2024

Each day will start at 9:45am ready for a 10:00am start. The day will finish at 2:45pm.

Lunch will be provided for all students including drinks. The week will end with a celebration of the students work on the Friday, parents should arrive at the academy at 2:00pm on the Friday.

All students will be offered the opportunity to attend Summer School. Parents will be contacted in June and asked to complete registration and payment in order to confirm a place for their child on any given week. There is no cap on places.

If you are in receipt of Pupil Premium funding, you may be eligible to use the funding for a Summer School place. When information regarding summer school is communicated in June, this can be discussed with the academy. Pupil premium places will be subsidised in line with government guidelines.


Each September, on the first day of the academic year, our year 7 students come in on a staggered schedule to support with their transition into the academy. Students will be welcomed into the academy with an assembly from our Principal and will then go off in their tutor groups for their first day.

Click on the link below to see our full 2024-2025 term dates for next academic year.


  • Friday 5th July 2024 – Transition Day
  • Wednesday 19th June 2024 5pm – Parent Information Evening
  • Saturday 13th July 9am-midday – Phoenix Forum & Individual Student Photos
  • 12-16th August 2024 – Summer School Week 1
  • 19th-23rd August 2024 – Summer School Week 2
  • Tuesday 3rd September 2024 – First day of the academic year